Infinite Hope Counseling in Townsend, Montana

Infinite Hope Counseling is a private practice dedicated to serving the Townsend and surrounding communities. Services are provided by Jennifer Beatty, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, and Hayli Fuerte, BA Student Intern under supervision, providing individual, family, couples, and group therapy to children, adolescents, and adults. They also provide telehealth services across Montana (for those clients who have difficulty getting to their appointments due to a remote location or an inability to travel) as well as in Oregon and Idaho, in the states where Jennifer is licensed to practice.

The mission of Infinite Hope Counseling is to serve others by providing the highest quality, professional mental health services through progressive, compassionate, and confidential care. Infinite Hope Counseling strives to promote wellness, provide support, and restore hope while remaining mindful that ultimate and infinite hope is found through Jesus Christ.